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 Why You Shouldn't Trust Just Anyone to Administer Your Injectables

Why You Shouldn't Trust Just Anyone to Administer Your Injectables

Cosmetic procedures are a popular choice for improving your looks. These include facelifts, chemical peels, dermabrasion, and other surgeries that change your look. When it comes to aging, a common target of treatment is wrinkles. Injectables are one of the best ways to reduce wrinkles because they offer quick results with little downtime.

Only people with the proper training must administer injections. Injectables are a form of cosmetic treatment that places substances under the skin. As simple as it sounds, it requires someone with the training and experience to do it safely. 

Let’s further explore why you shouldn’t trust just anyone to administer injectables.

If you live in Mamaroneck, New York, or Stamford, Connecticut, and want to know what injectables can do for you, Dr. Gennadiy Kravets and our experienced medical staff at All Bright Dental can help.

The importance of injection safety

When getting treatment aesthetics, the provider must know how much to administer, how often, and the possible side effects. 

This is why having trained professionals administer medications is so important: these people know what the drug does, how it interacts with your body, how much you can safely take at a time, what problems can come from side effects, and how to handle and store medications. When you’re getting an injection, regardless of the reason, all of these factors need to be considered when thinking about who you go to for treatment.

Complications of untrained injections

When receiving cosmetic injections, the needle, your body, and the medication must be sterile, and the syringe used to administer an injection should only be used once. Providers must know where to make the injection so as not to damage the muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in the area. 

Using unclean or reused needles increases the risk of infections, abscesses, nerve damage, and transmitting diseases (HIV, hepatitis B and C, septicemia). Anyone not trained in administering medications or injections can easily put you at risk for one or many of these complications.

Injectables we offer

To avoid the aforementioned pitfalls, if you’re interested in getting injectables to treat wrinkles, our experienced team can help with the Botox® injections. This injectable is derived from a chemical that paralyzes the muscles causing wrinkles, relaxing the tension in your skin and reducing their appearance. We can use this to lift wrinkles at the corners of your mouth, lessen the appearance of marionette lines, and treat other wrinkles near your lips and mouth.

Please consider your options carefully when it comes to injections because your health depends on it. If you're ready to see what injectables like Botox can do for your skin, make an appointment with Dr. Kravets and our team at All Bright Dental today.


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